Hello All,
Excellent website with valuable information at our fingertips.
I have recently purchased a 12ga sxs and Im looking for information on whether is was:
1) made in Shul or in Zella Melhis
2) what other markings can be made
3) if the steel is actually Krupp as i dont see the ring stamp.
4) what the markings on the stock mean(GAF, FA)
What is the collectable difference between a Suhl proof vs. Zella Melhis proof?
Excellent website with valuable information at our fingertips.
I have recently purchased a 12ga sxs and Im looking for information on whether is was:
1) made in Shul or in Zella Melhis
2) what other markings can be made
3) if the steel is actually Krupp as i dont see the ring stamp.
4) what the markings on the stock mean(GAF, FA)
What is the collectable difference between a Suhl proof vs. Zella Melhis proof?