Although he has been discarded as being the man behind the double-K marking(s) it may be of interest to anyone following the thread that there still was a barrel factory “run“ by Karl Kelber in early 1977. Same location as the one given above.
Also: as I was looking for information on B?hag yesterday I found there was still a Gewehrlauffabrik Louis Kelber in Suhl in the mid 1950's.
Although he has been discarded as being the man behind the double-K marking(s) it may be of interest to anyone following the thread that there still was a barrel factory “run“ by Karl Kelber in early 1977. Same location as the one given above.
Also: as I was looking for information on B?hag yesterday I found there was still a Gewehrlauffabrik Louis Kelber in Suhl in the mid 1950's.