If you look on the most common charts of German proof marks one set goes to 1939, another set after 1939( 1941 is after 39) and another set after the war. The post 39 and post war use eagles( adler), but of a different shape. The post 39 shape is called Reich Adler( ie 3d Reich) and the postwar one is commonly called a Bundes Adler( for Bundes Republik or Federal Republic). Maybe I confused things asking about a 1941 mark, instead of post 1939. I was confused thinking Axel said they used post 39 German marks instead of Czech marks.
If you look on the most common charts of German proof marks one set goes to 1939, another set after 1939( 1941 is after 39) and another set after the war. The post 39 and post war use eagles( adler), but of a different shape. The post 39 shape is called Reich Adler( ie 3d Reich) and the postwar one is commonly called a Bundes Adler( for Bundes Republik or Federal Republic). Maybe I confused things asking about a 1941 mark, instead of post 1939. I was confused thinking Axel said they used post 39 German marks instead of Czech marks.