For further detail and clarification, as Jim Cate stated, the transition from Simson & Co. to BSW took place (at the factory) in early 1934 (February 1st, by the most reliable information I have) with the installation of the new administration. Karl Beckurts became the on-site plant manager, with Dr. Hoffmann in Berlin the chief trustee. The signature page of an earlier contract (March 5, 1934) shown here bears the signatures of Direktor Beckurts and Herr Schönfelder and note that the company is known at this time as "Berlin-Suhler Waffen- und Fahrzeugwerke, Simson & Co." of Suhl. Very shortly afterwards, the Simson name was removed from all letterhead and official paperwork, but receivers marked "Simson" continued to show up in some production for some time afterwards.