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Interesting Stein I found
A quite common tourist's Steinkrug. Such were made since before WW1. You can still buy such steins new in many Bavarian tourist shops, though they are often "Made in China" now. My guess, it was made in the 1930s to 60s. The text "Es lebe was auf Erden, stolziert in grüner Tracht, die Wälder und die Felder, die Jäger und die Jagd", about "something on earth may live, roams around clad in green, forests and fields, hunters and hunting." is the refrain of a once popular German folk song by Wilhelm Müller, 1794 – 1827.
If you look on the bottom, you'll probably find enough information such a names and marks to find out who made it. There's quite a but of info online about old "steins" and the various makers such as when they were active. So you might be able to approximately date it. Gerz was one of the better ones. I have some quite nice ones here brought off a couple who used to like to go to garage sales and street vendor sales and such-like and collect them.
I like Steins as well. Since I go to so many gun/ military shows I see a fair number and only buy them if they are cheap and interesting. The shooting one the right was actually in the Suhl Waffenmuseum shop and was reasonable at 40€.Mit Schützengruß,
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I rather like the salt-glazed brewery steins. Even had a "Mauser" one from the 1930s which is quite rare.
What is amazing is, the type Steve has is made for actual use in the many types of fests ( including Jaegerfests), and not for tourists' souvenirs. Each brewery had it's own and the logo was a major form of advertisement. Different breweries in the same areas were major rivals and the rivalry was often quite brisk. I hope they haven't switched to some injection molded plastic knock offs, but I guess everything changes; even the "flip top" bottles "got gone" between my first and last tours. Very many of the breweries represented in Steve's collection are gone now, having been forced out of business by economics, death of owners, or "take over" by larger breweries. I hope the collection can stay together.
Speaking of tourist Steins, I walked by this shop in Frankfurt and they had an amazing inventory;
Not my style however, and I certainly agree with Mike's comments.Mit Schützengruß,